What is Level 3 processing?

Understanding Level 3 Credit Card Processing: A Key to Cost Savings in B2B and B2G Transactions

In the world of business transactions, particularly those involving B2B (business-to-business) and B2G (business-to-government) sectors, the concept of credit card processing levels plays a crucial role in determining the costs a business incurs. Among these, Level 3 credit card processing emerges as a significant player for medium to large businesses seeking to reduce their processing rates and fees.

What is Level 3 Credit Card Processing?

Level 3 processing is the most detailed and comprehensive type of credit card processing available. It's specifically designed for businesses that accept corporate, purchasing, or government credit cards. Unlike Level 1 or Level 2 processing, Level 3 requires the collection and submission of an extensive set of transactional data. This additional data allows for significantly lower interchange rates for Visa and Mastercard transactions.

The Impact of Data on Interchange Rates

The interchange rate, a fee that businesses pay to process credit card transactions, varies depending on the level of data provided with each transaction. The more data a business passes, like in Level 3 processing, the lower the interchange rate. This is because additional data reduces the risk of fraud, making the transaction more secure and cheaper to process.

Level 3 Data: The Details

To understand the difference between the processing levels, let's break down what each level entails:

  • Level 1 Processing: The basic information required includes the card number, expiration date, billing address, and zip code.
  • Level 3 Processing: This requires much more detailed information, including item descriptions, quantities, tax amounts, and more.

Businesses engaging in numerous B2B transactions can significantly benefit from understanding and utilizing Level 3 processing due to the lower interchange rates associated.

The Complexity and Benefits of Level 3 Processing

Processing Level 3 transactions is complex and requires a robust system to handle the extensive data. For this reason, businesses often need to partner with a payment gateway that supports Level 3 processing. While it might seem daunting, the benefits are substantial. Not only do business owners enjoy lower processing rates, but the detailed transaction data also aids the purchasing company or government agency in analyzing and tracking their spending more effectively.

Streamlining Level 3 Processing

Though the idea of submitting such detailed information can be overwhelming, certain payment processors, like SPS (Payroc), have automated this process. They can detect transactions made with specific types of cards and automatically qualify them for lower interchange rates. This automation ensures businesses can benefit from reduced fees without the hassle of manually inputting extensive data.

Getting Started with Level 3 Processing

If you're considering whether your business could benefit from Level 3 processing rates, it's worth exploring further. By partnering with the right payment processor, you can start saving on interchange fees and make your transaction process more efficient. It’s an opportunity to streamline your operations while cutting costs, a win-win for any business engaged in B2B or B2G transactions.

In essence, Level 3 credit card processing is a strategic choice for businesses looking to optimize their transaction processes and save money. By understanding and leveraging this level of processing, companies can make more informed decisions that positively impact their bottom line.

Be careful out there and get with the right partner with the experience to know what small businesses need. Reach out to me directly at the number below or schedule a zoom if you need help or just need a free consultation.

Scott Lorts

Want Free payment advice? Book some time on my calendar. You can also contact me directly at 727-225-4431.

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