Tricks of the Trade

Is it better to just use just use Paypal or Square?

This will outline some of the potential drawbacks or reasons why Square and Paypal may not be the best option for certain business or individuals when it comes to processing cards or handling transactions. In summary, while Square and PayPal are well-known and widely-used, they may not necessarily be the best choice for every business. […]

How to dispute and prevent chargebacks as a small business

Title: How to dispute and prevent chargebacks as a small business and protect your chargeback reputation with Visa Mastercard. Introduction: In the world of credit card processing, chargebacks are a crucial aspect that merchants and consumers alike should be aware of. Chargebacks can significantly impact businesses and cardholders, so understanding what they are and how […]

Can I reduce Quickbooks fees?

QuickBooks has become a lifeline for many business owners who appreciate the comfort of a seamless payment acceptance process. Its simplicity has become a soothing balm, making it easy to forget the associated costs. But have you ever paused to consider the actual price tag attached to this convenience - the QuickBooks payment fees? There […]

Basics of Merchant Services

As a business owner, it's impossible not to feel a pang of curiosity every time the term "merchant services" reverberates in conversations or business discussions. But really, what's the story behind merchant services, and why are they considered so indispensable? Let's dive into the world of merchant services, where you'll discover the sea of opportunities […]

Which is the right payment processor?

**Navigating the Landscape of Payment Processors: A Practical Guide** The arena of payment processors can sometimes feel like a complex maze, with a multitude of options available, each with their unique set of features and benefits. However, understanding the landscape can be made simpler when broken down into manageable chunks. Starting your search, consider the […]
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